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Diary entry by Gertrude Bell

Reference code
Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian
Creation Date
Extent and medium
1 entry, paper
Ramsay, W.M.

38.299473, 31.175805

Friday May 3 [3 May 1907] Saw Ramsay's great inscribed stones
and explored the village for inscrips. Found one new one of wh I took
a rubbing. I went into many houses but found no more. Off about 8.30
and rode along the Yalovach [YalvaÁ] road for about an hour, then
turned up to the right into the hills, past a small Yuruk double village
called Chelabtish (not marked) small euren and so down the hill to
Ayaplar. The Greek inscrip. in the mosque fountain beat me. Rode
on to K¸pekler and lunched shortly before arriving there at 11.45.
Nothing at K¸pekler but some big stones with simple mouldings.
Above Ayaplar on top of a rocky hill are said to be fortification walls.
They call the place Hissarlik. So down a very long dull wide valley of
cornfields, parted with Nazmi and turned north over the mud hills to
Yalovach. Got to the first outlying settlement of it at 2.10 and to my
tents on the hill above the town at 2.45. Slept and wrote. Hot stuffy

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