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Diary entry by Gertrude Bell

Reference code
Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian
Creation Date
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1 entry, paper
Jordan ยป Amman

31.9539494, 35.910635

Sat. Jan. 10. [10 January 1914] Disgusting day, cold, wind and sleet. We got out of camp and rode to the station where I waited for the baggage. Jusef Chowwish and 4 soldiers with us. A little way from the station we saw soldiers - it was the Q. who turned back to Zuwaideh [Juweiyida, El] by another road. When we reached Zuwaideh he had gone on to 'Amman with the Yuzbashi. Hurried on and got to the hill down to 'Amman, with little rain. I walked down, got onto Jusef's horse and cantered up to the Serai, where I found the Q, Halim Beg Abu Sha'r, the Yuzbashi, Ishaq Effendi, and the Mudir, Muhammad Beg. All very friendly. I explained my doings, laid my complaint before them about the Yuzbashi and convinced Halim Beg that I was harmless. He telegraphed the same to Damascus [Dimashq (Esh Sham, Damas)]. Two young men, Hanna Bsharra, and Ferid, son of Habib Effendi with whom I lodged at Salt. Hanna presently explained to me that Halim, a Xian, did not want to take any responsibility and I had better telegraph to Devey, which I did. My men pitched tents in pouring rain, below the theatre and before the Odeon.

IIIF Manifest