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Diary entry by Gertrude Bell

Reference code
Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian
Creation Date
Extent and medium
1 entry, paper

32.0391553, 35.9135363

Sun 8. [8 April 1900] Up at 5, as usual! and off with Mr Dunn, Mrs Dickson and the Rosens to the Kiameh to see the Palm Sunday ceremony. Very pretty. We were up in the Greek balcony. AuzÈpy throned in state below us. There were a Copt and a Syrian service also going on, the former in Arabic. We saw the Patriarch distribute the palms which were brought out of the Sepulchre, and the subsequent procession. Came home and had a second breakfast with Mr Dunn and Mr Green, his locum tenens; Hanna came. I wrote letters till lunch. Went to Mrs D's at 3.30 and she gave me tea and lent me a horse on which I rode up to the Gray Hills. Met them out walking and strolled along with them. Cold wind after a very hot morning. The Rittmeister came to lunch.

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