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Letter from Gertrude Bell to her stepmother, Dame Florence Bell

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Reference code
Bell, Dame Florence Eveleen Eleanore
Bell, Gertrude Margaret Lowthian
Person(s) mentioned
Malcolm, Ian
Creation Date
Extent and medium
1 letter, paper

51.5072178, -0.1275862

95 Sloane Street Nov 16 Dearest Mother. I missed the country post yesterday and I think I'll make matters sure by writing today before I go out. I think you were very right not to come up in this bitter cold, and it is a very mixed pleasure to meet and say goodbye. I'm off on Friday morning but I think it more than likely that when I reach Egypt I shall find they have no job that will occupy me more than a fortnight, and I may be back before Xmas. It's all vaguer than words can say. I have no instructions; I'm sent out by the Admiralty to see if they have any work for me in Egypt. As for any further journey nothing definite is said and I think the chances are strongly against it.
I wish I had seen Maurice. I feel almost that it's wrong to escape from the cold and the darkness into sun and warmth. But though I have little belief in the thing I couldn't have refused to go when Egypt asked for me.

Mary shall be sent to York on Friday at 10, either Marie or Milly's maid bringing her. Marie has asked for a fortnight's holiday which I feel sure you will agree she should have. She is going to stay with some friends at Croydon.

Milly returns on Friday to the Speaker's House. I send for you a charming letter from Mrs L. [Lowther] which came. If ever you have a spare minute in London you might ask Milly to come and see you - she would love it. Ever my dearest Mother your affectionate daughter Gertrude

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